Scientific Research Division
Neutron scattering has become a key technique for investigating the properties of materials on an atomic scale. The uniqueness of this method is based on the fact that the wavelength and energy of thermal neutrons ideally match interatomic distances and excitation energies in condensed matter, and thus neutron scattering is able to directly examine the static and dynamic properties of the material. Using neutrons that have been thermalized to cryogenic temperatures allows one to probe characteristic properties on the nanometer and nanosecond scale. In addition, neutrons carry a magnetic moment, which makes them a unique probe for detecting magnetic phenomena.
We use elastic and inelastic neutron scattering techniques to study cooperative phenomena in complex solids. The group maintains and operates the cold triple axis spectrometer SIKA at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation. SIKA provides incident neutrons with a wide range of wavevectors and allows for large momentum transfers. A broad range of problems in condensed matter can be explored with SIKA, such as the study of magnetic and structural phase transitions and their associated fluctuations, superlattice reflections and critical exponents. It is well suited for the study of low-energy collective excitations with high energy and momentum resolution, the investigation of complex magnetic structures and by using diffuse scattering at SIKA one can investigate various effects of disorder.
SIKA instrument Scientists and Prof Chang (NCKU) at SIKA.
Gardner, Jason Stewart (高佳山)
Research Scientist
Research expertise: Neutron Scattering, Low temperature Physics, Scattering studies of exotic ground states, Critical Scattering
End station: Cold Neutron Triple-Axis Spectrometer, SIKA
Laboratory: Advanced Materials For Beam Research (AMBeR) Laboratory
Chu, Che-Yi (朱哲毅)
Assistant Research Scientist
Research expertise: Small-Angle X-ray/Neutron Scattering, Polymer Physics, Colloid Sciences
End station: Small-Angle Neutron Scattering, QUOKKA
Wang, Chin-Wei (王進威)
Assistant Research Scientist
Research expertise: Neutron powder diffraction, Magnetism
End station: HRPD, Echidna and HIPD, Wombat
Wu, Chun-Ming (吳浚銘)
Assistant Research Scientist
Research expertise: Tripe-Axis Spectroscopy, Neutron Scattering
End station: Cold Neutron Triple-Axis Spectrometer, SIKA
Yano, Shinichiro (矢野真一郎)
Assistant Research Scientist
Research expertise: Magnetic excitation, magnetic structural analysis, local structure analysis
End station: Cold Neutron Triple-Axis Spectrometer, SIKA
Peng, Jen-Chih (彭仁志)
Software Engineer
Research expertise: SIKA triple axis spectrometer control system
End station: Cold Neutron Triple-Axis Spectrometer, SIKA