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Jason Stewart Gardner (高佳山) Ph. D.

Research Scientist

Neutron Science Group

Editor in Chief, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter

Office: Room S106, R&D Building


Tel: +61 2 9717 7345

Personal Website



1988 – 1991 BSc in Physics, Warwick University, UK.

1991 – 1992 MSc in Physics, Keele University, UK.

1991 – 1996 PhD in Physics, Warwick University, UK.



1996–1998  Research Associate, McMaster University, Canada.

1998–1999  Postdoctoral Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA.

1999–2002  Research Council Officer, National Research Council, Canada.

2002–2006  Associate Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA.

2006–2013  Research Scientist, Indiana University, USA.



  • Fellow Institute of Physics, UK 

  • Executive Board Member - Journal of Physics Condensed Matter (2011 - )

  • Conference Chairperson:  Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2016 and International Institute of Physics Workshop on Frustrated Magnetism 2011

  • Co-chair: Workshop of Frustration and Topology in Condensed Matter, 2014; Session on Frustrated Magnetism at Pacifichem 2015; Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2010 and Spin-Echo in Condensed Matter 2010 



Research Interest

    The general theme for my research is the examination of many body systems as they approach a phase transition.  Of particular interest are quantum phase-transitions where the change of state takes place in the vicinity of zero temperature (T = 0 K).  In conventional systems, a phase-transitions take place at finite temperatures as the thermal energy becomes less than a characteristic energy scale of the system. It then becomes favorable to change the symmetry and nature of the material from say a liquid to a solid as when water freezes. However several examples of quantum phase-transitions between `disordered' and `ordered' phases that occur at T=0 K, and deserve attention because of the rich and unexplored properties of quantum disordered phases.  

  Several method of suppressing the ordering temperature have been utilised, these include dimensionality and chemical disorder.  One very successful method exploited in magnetism is geometrically frustrating the lattice.  This has resulted in the study of several spin liquids, novel ordered magnets and the locally ordered magnet, Spin Ice, a new and exotic ground state.  More recently, we realized the excitations out of this ground state were deconfined magnetic monopoles with analogous properties to the hypothetical magnetic monopoles postulated to exist in the vacuum.


Selected Publication

As of April. 2015:  h-index: 33 WoS (over 125 Publications and 3700 citations)


1. "Magnetic Pyrochlore Oxides" J S Gardner, M J P Gingras and J E Greedan, Rev. Mod. Phys, 82 53 (2010).


2. "High Pressure Route to Generate Magnetic Monopole Dimers in Spin Ice" H D Zhou, S T Bramwell, J G Cheng, C R Wiebe, G Li, L Balicas, J A Bloxsom, H J Silverstein, J S Zhou, J B Goodenough and J S Gardner, Nature Communications 2, 478 (2011).


3. “Successive Phase Transitions and Extended Spin-Excitation Continuum in the S=1/2 Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet Ba3CoSb2O9” H. D. Zhou, C. Xu, A. M. Hallas, H. J. Silverstein, C. R. Wiebe, I. Umegaki, J. Q. Yan, T. P. Murphy, J.-H. Park, Y. Qiu, J. D. Copley, J. S. Gardner, and Y. Takano, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 267206 (2012).


4. Liquidlike correlations in single-crystalline Y2Mo2O2: An unconventional spin glass H J Silverstein, K Fritsch, F Flicker, A M Hallas, J S Gardner, Y Qiu, G Ehlers, A T Savici, Z Yamani, K A Ross, B D Gaulin, M J P Gingras, J A M Paddison, K Foyevtsova, R Valenti, F Hawthorne, C R Wiebe, and H D Zhou, Phys. Rev. B. 89, 054433 (2014).




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