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Bing-Ming Cheng (鄭炳銘), Ph. D.

Research Scientist

Molecular Science Group

Office: Room S323, R&D Building


Tel: +886-35780281-7323

Lab Webpage


1986-1989  Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)          




2014-             Honorary professor, Department of Science and Environmental

                           Studies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education

2012-            Adjoin professor, National Sun Yat-sen University

1999-            Scientist, NSRRC

1993-1999  Associate scientist, SRRC 

1991-1993  Collaborator, Brookhaven National Lab, US 

1990-1991  Postdoc. University of California at Berkeley, US



  • Tin Ka Ping Education Visitor (2013), Hong Kong Institute of Education

  • The first prize of 2009 i-ONE Instrument Technology Innovation Competition

  • Research Award (National Science Council, Taiwan, 1995-2000)



Research Interest

    Synchrotron radiation (SR) delivers the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) radiation with high photon flux and good resolution. The high quality of VUV from SR gives the chances for scientists to investigate the spectroscopy and photochemistry of molecules and materials in this region. With the VUV from the 1.5 GeV storage ring in Taiwan Light Source (TLS), we are conducting the scientific programs on molecular spectroscopy, atmospheric chemistry, astrophysics and astrochemistry, phosphors, and electro-optic materials with techniques of photoabsorption, photodissociation, photodesorption, photoionization, and photoluminescence currently.


@ To assess the photochemically induced changes in planetary system, we study the VUV absorption cross sections of the interstellar molecules in the gaseous phase and absorption spectra in very low temperature.

@ For investigation of the spectroscopy for transient species and photochemistry of solid molecules, we have set up a 3 K matrix-isolation end station coupled to a VUV beam line by using IR/UV-visible absorption and emission techniques.

@ To study the evolution of comets and possibly even the origin of life on Earth, we investigate the photochemistry of cometary materials, mixed ices in solid state.







@ To study the free radical reactions in atmosphere, we perform the photoionization of mass spectrometry to investigate their thermochemistry and photoionization spectroscopy.

@ For the subjects of VUV phosphors, wide-band gap electro-optic materials, and conducting polymers, we investigate their emissions in relation to structure, preparation, quantum efficiency, and structure transformation process.


Selected Publication




2. Photolysis of Solid Methane with Vacuum-ultraviolet Radiation from a Synchrotron. Jen-Iu Lo, Meng-Yeh Lin, Yu-Chiang Peng, Sheng-Lung Chou, Hsiao-Chi Lu, Bing-Ming Cheng,* and J. F. Ogilvie, accepted by Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. (2015).


3. Quantitative Analysis of Nitrogen Defect N4 in Diamond with Photoluminescence Excited in Region 170-240 nm. Hsiao-Chi Lu,* Meng-Yeh Lin, Yu-Chiang Peng, Jen-Iu Lo, Sheng-Lung Chou, and Bing-Ming Cheng,* Anal. Chem. 86, 10497-10500 (2014).


4. Infrared Absorption Spectra of Methylidene Radicals in Solid Neon. Hsiao-Chi Lu, Jen-Iu Lo, Meng-Yeh Lin, Yu-Chiang Peng, Sheng-Lung Chou, Bing-Ming Cheng,* and J. F. Ogilvie,* Chem. Comm. 50, 7968-7970 (2014).


5. Vacuum-Ultraviolet Photolysis of Methane at 3 K: Synthesis of Carbon Clusters up to C20. Meng-Yeh Lin, Jen-Iu Lo, Sheng-Lung Chou, Yu-Chiang Peng, Hsiao-Chi Lu, Bing-Ming Cheng,* and J. F. Ogilvie,* J. Phys. Chem. A, 118, 3438-3449 (2014).


6. Production of N3 upon Photolysis of Solid Nitrogen at 3 K with Synchrotron Radiation. Sheng-Lung Chou, Jen-Iu Lo, Meng-Yeh Lin, Yu-Chiang Peng, Hsiao-Chi Lu, and Bing-Ming Cheng,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 738-741 (2014).


7. Linear and Folded Films of a Zwitterionic Polysquaraine. Hsiao-Chi Lu,* Meng-Yeh Lin, Sheng-Lung Chou, Yu-Chain Peng, Jen-Iu Lo, Hung Wei Shiu, Chia-Hao Chen, and Bing-Ming Cheng,* RSC Advances, 3, 21294-21297 (2013).


8. Identification of Nitrogen Defects in Diamond with Photoluminescence Excited in the 160-240 nm Region. Hsiao-Chi Lu,* Meng-Yeh Lin, Sheng-Lung Chou, Yu-Chiang Peng, Jen-Iu Lo, and Bing-Ming Cheng,* Anal. Chem. 84, 9596-9600 (2012).


9. Analysis of Nitrogen Defects in Diamond with VUV Photoluminescence. Hsiao-Chi Lu* and Bing-Ming Cheng,* Anal. Chem. 83, 6539-6544 (2011).


10. Absorption Cross Section of Gaseous Acetylene at 85 K in Wavelength Range 110-155 nm. Bing-Ming Cheng,* Hui-Fen Chen, Hsiao-Chi Lu, Hong-Kai Chen, M. S. Alam, Sheng-Lung Chou, and Meng-Yeh Lin, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Series, 196, 3 (6pp) (2011).


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